
Reports to
one click

Yasna Sandoval



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Executive Summary
Bye, excel spreadsheets
Hello, Payer! 👋
Integration and reporting

Executive Summary

Rindegastos came to revolutionize the expense reporting process at Grupo Suez starting in 2018. On this occasion we spoke with Yasna Sandoval, who has the role of accounting analyst and is in charge of accounting for the entire holding, with the mission to work on projects that help automate billing and facilitate internal processes.
Grupo Suez has been present in Chile since 1960 and is mainly dedicated to designing, building and operating infrastructure for water treatment and waste management for municipal and industrial entities, implementing innovative technologies to help its clients manage the water resources efficiently.
There are many collaborators of the group who work in the field and make mobilization expenses, travel expenses, among others. With Rindegastos they managed to completely facilitate the process and today there are approximately 100 renderers who use the platform to render their expenses 100% digital %.

Bye, excel spreadsheets

Suez brings together a holding of 4 companies and its administrative, accounting and treasury areas work in a central office in Apoquindo. Yasna tells us that before 2018 “there were people who worked from the north and, between making the statement, physically sending it to the office in Santiago, entering the expense and making the refund, it could easily take a week and a half. Everything was done manually and the process was very slow.”< /span>
Before implementing the platform, the renderers had to record their expenses in an Excel spreadsheet and send them to the central office, where the people in charge entered into SAP one by one the bills and invoices that were arriving. Yasna arrived to the administrative area and had the mission of taking over the Rindegastos project, the implementation of the API and other tasks, such as helping in the automation process in the accounting area.
“Before RINDEGASTOS, all processes were done manually and it was a very slow process.”


Yasna Sandoval

Hello, Payer! 👋

Responders who are in the field can upload their expenses directly from the mobile app in the same place where they made the expense, without having to install themselves and having to use their time exclusively for the expense reporting task.
Currently, the flow for the reports works like this: once the reporter creates the expense and uploads the report, it quickly goes to the first approved (direct manager), then it goes to the area manager and finally to administration .
“We really appreciate the speed with which we can have the information and flows of the platform at hand. Now we receive an expense and in a week the amount is already returned.“


The system and the process have been quite intuitive and the renderers have not had any complaints. On the contrary, everything has been for the better.
Yasna Sandoval

Integration and reporting

“As an administrator, it's super easy to get reports. We have the information online and everything is backed up, which helps us keep order in accounting and in matters of consultancy, both internal and external.“
For Grupo Suez, the implementation of Rindegastos to its processes “has been a great change for the good of all areas“. Having the platform is a relief for both payers and approvers and especially for the accounting area.


Yasna Sandoval
What do you value most about Rindegastos?
“The most valuable thing about using Rindegastos is that the platform is intuitive, that people quickly adapt to its use and the support. We have always had immediate solutions and quick responses”, Yasna concludes.

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”The most valuable thing about using Rindegastos is that the platform is intuitive, that people quickly adapt to its use and the support. We have always had immediate solutions and quick responses”.
”The most valuable thing about using Rindegastos is that the platform is intuitive, that people quickly adapt to its use and the support. We have always had immediate solutions and quick responses”.
”The most valuable thing about using Rindegastos is that the platform is intuitive, that people quickly adapt to its use and the support. We have always had immediate solutions and quick responses”.
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