
Fast, simple and with
ERP integration

Jose Allende



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In this article you will find
Surrenders here, surrenders there
A slow and labor-intensive process
Rindegastos makes the difficult simple
Integrations for everything
Quick and easy implementation

Surrenders here, surrenders there

Grupo Flesan was founded in 1981 in Chile and expanded to Peru in 2007. They mainly specialize in developing construction solutions, which they integrate from an early stage, such as soil preparation , until the delivery of a building, which can be commercial or residential. This, thanks to the synergy of its multiple companies specializing in engineering, construction and real estate.
José Allende, General Manager of Servicios Compartidos Grupo Flesan, comments: “As a group of several companies, we had reports all over the place, so we decided to implement Rindegastos, because it was the tool that would allow us to centralize everything and thus deliver information to accounting in a clear way.

A slow and labor-intensive process

Flesan operated manually with his surrenders. Luis García, Manager of the Flesan Public Works Unit, explains that: “ Before Rindegastos arrived , we used an Excel template and we used to add, as part of the internal procedure, a support . That's where it gets more tedious. We had to use the photocopier to take out the invoices one by one.”
On the other hand, Judith Zapata, Supervisor of Payment Control and Parts Desk at Grupo Flesan, recalls that in order to approve an expense “we had to make sure that each person's signature was there, both the employee's and the manager's.” She recalls with displeasure, “We had to go through each of them to get them to sign the documents, attach all the information and then send it to the offices. -We had to go through each one of them to get them to sign the documents, attach all the information and then send it to the offices,” she recalls with displeasure.
“It was a headache to have to go after each person to get them to sign, because without a signature we had to reject the expense”. Explains Judith Zapata

Rindegastos makes the difficult simple

With Rindegastos, the accounting system has been simplified. “What I do first is take a photograph of each of the invoices and at the time of rendering, I attach the supporting documents, ” explains Luis, while Judith adds, “you simply upload the information, call to ask for approval of the expense and they review it. It's much easier”.
“In the profile, passing the review is very simple, the platform is very friendly.”


José Allende

Integrations for everything

Rindegastos allows companies to operate with their ERP's in a normal way and in sync with the information uploaded to the platform. José explains that in Flesan:
“Each person makes their surrender, uploads their ballot and declares the detail. Then this reaches us in a database, which we integrate with an ERP. Thus, reviews are easier , because we can look for spending patterns or, also, see what they are spending more and less money on, in order to, for example, think about making an agreement for our collaborators”.


José Allende
In addition, in the case of Peru, as in Chile, Rindegastos works directly with the accounting auditing entity of the country. Regarding this, Luis comments that “Rindegastos benefits us a lot, compared to the methodology we used before, since it works online with SUNAT, so, for example, when you enter the RUC, if there is an error, an alert will pop up in the application”.
On the other hand, in Peru the SAP computer system is usually used, which allows managing human, financial-accounting, productive, logistical resources and more. Given this, José explains that Flesan has the Rindegastos platform directly integrated into SAP, “that is, all the expenses that come in, we categorize them, assign accounting accounts and an expense item so that it then automatically passes through an integration to our SAP”.

Quick and easy implementation

The new system speeds up the work from who renders, to who reviews and approves. Judith believes that Rindegastos' greatest achievement is that “helps us a lot to optimize time, because for us as an accounting area it helps us to know if the information is duplicated, if the provider is active or not and not having to wait for the end of the month to review our purchase record” and adds “our collaborators quickly adapted to the Rindegastos platform”.
While, on the other hand, José explains that from the beginning “the implementation process was quite simple, thanks to our executives, who were able to solve all our queries and conducted training for our staff. In this way, within a month they were all operating and happy with the Rindegastos platform”.
The most important benefit we had with Rindegastos was paperless. At Flesan we believe that the issue of the environment is very relevant and Rindegastos was very well suited to the model we needed, that is, to be centralized and to manage invoices directly on the platform. The way to perform is very simple and the truth was a success”.


José Allende

Learn more about our
success stories

Filled with paperwork and bored with the tedious task of submitting expenses by hand, Flesan decided to speed up and facilitate their submission process with Rindegastos.
Filled with paperwork and bored with the tedious task of submitting expenses by hand, Flesan decided to speed up and facilitate their submission process with Rindegastos.
Filled with paperwork and bored with the tedious task of submitting expenses by hand, Flesan decided to speed up and facilitate their submission process with Rindegastos.
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