
Facilitating the audit

Lina Valenzuela



In this article you will find
Knowing Fondo Esperanza
Living the implementation
The utility for audits

Knowing Fondo Esperanza

Fondo Esperanza, a social development institution that has more than 20 years of experience in Chile. Dedicated to providing tools to entrepreneurs from vulnerable sectors. The tools are personal, family, social, and for growth and development of their businesses.
Lina Valenzuela, Administrator at Fondo Esperanza comments that in her area, they are responsible for receiving and processing expense reports, and they have been using Rindegastos for 3 years “Now that we have everything digital, it's much better,“ says Lina, referring to the old manual process versus our platform.
“In addition, RINDEGASTOS has special service plans for public institutions and NGO's whose purpose is to help the community.”


Lina Valenzuela

Living the implementation

Since September 2020 they decided to migrate to a digital ecosystem of reports, mainly because of the complication involved in suitcases and paper storage, as well as being a way of Help the environment, since the reduction of paper is considerable when changing to the digital world.
Although before they had a simple system of expense reports, to which they were accustomed and it was the resistance to this that was the most difficult for them to face, they finally realized that the digital transformation was necessary and it was a step well taken.
They have 53 branches and 140 users, from which expense statements are derived, mainly fixed funds or petty cash.

The utility for audits

Audits are a big issue for some items, in the case of Fondo Esperanza, they receive 3 audits a year and, now with Rindegastos, Luana comments that “with 2 clicks they have all the necessary information.“
Regarding this issue, the easy review of the tickets is what has helped Lina the most, given the number of audits they have. This process was previously done very tedious, due to the need to have all the bills in person, stored in folders. Currently, they only have to give the company access to the Rindegastos platform and digitally review the backups of the renditions.


Despite the fact that it meant the change to the digital format, today they are grateful for having done it, since the move towards the digitalization of expense reports has facilitated not only the process itself, but also the issue of audits It does not require the time, preparation and work that it required before entering the digital world of expense reports.

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success stories

Lina, tell us about the experience of joining Rindegastos. It was a decision that they thought about several times, but they finally realized that the platform would help them a lot.
Lina, tell us about the experience of joining Rindegastos. It was a decision that they thought about several times, but they finally realized that the platform would help them a lot.
Lina, tell us about the experience of joining Rindegastos. It was a decision that they thought about several times, but they finally realized that the platform would help them a lot.
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