
180° turn in the
digitization of
expense statements

Jonathan Ibarra



In this article you will find
Executive Summary
Before Returning Expenses
ERP Integration

Executive Summary

Copeval is a Chilean company founded in 1956 that today is positioned as a leader in the distribution of inputs and services for the entire agricultural industry. It is oriented to provide solutions of all kinds to the farmer and the companies associated with the item and account with more than 20 branches, distribution and supply centers and agribusiness plants throughout Chile.
Jonathan Ibarra has been working in the company for more than 10 years and currently works as head of administration and general services, a role in which he has the mission of keeping track of documents, parts office and office cashiers head office, in charge of a team of 5 people. We talked with Jonathan about his experience with the implementation of Rindegastos, a milestone with which they were finally able to say goodbye to Excel spreadsheets, receipts and paper storage.

Before Returning Expenses

In 2019 at Copeval they decided to incorporate Rindegastos for the digitalization of statements of expenses, cash registers and funds to be reported, in addition to optimizing their internal processes. Jonathan tells us that previously, employees used a report module developed inhouse in their ERP and also through Excel spreadsheets, but that it was very basic to meet their needs and that the entire process resulted in loss of time and late payments.
“The implementation of Rindegastos in Copeval was a success. We have many distribution centers throughout Chile, so our administration and finance manager pushed the process. Before, everything related to renditions meant a long delay , we received illegible bills, without endorsements and expenses that did not correspond“.


Jonathan Ibarra

ERP Integration

What does the integration of the ERP with Rindegastos mean?
Rindegastos easily adapts to any ERP on the market or accounting system used by companies and for corporate companies it has multiple benefits that will further optimize times in relation to expense reports.
At Copeval they did not doubt the benefits of the integration and they did it in 2019, managing to have Rindegastos integrated into SAP in 45 days, so all the accounting information of users and cost centers is transferred automatically without having to the need to retype a statement of expenses. The process becomes more robust and auditable, since there is no human interference, errors in typing are avoided.
Jonathan tells us that the process was carried out in conjunction with both
IT teams.
“Thanks to this, all the data that is entered into the platform goes exactly to our ERP: scanning, photos, typing of expenses, etc. In addition, the process is quite clean, everything is structured by Rindegastos to make it a success“.


Jonathan Ibarra


Jonathan adds that today there are approximately 350 Copeval employees who use Rindegastos, going through the administrative, commercial, managerial and operations area, among others. He assures that it is a tool that came to completely change the way that they paid before, with the possibility of being able to follow up on all the expenses and expense reportings, with all the information available from anywhere.
“Rindegastos gave a 180° turn to the way we had to pay expenses and it is worth letting other companies know how it works. Today we have everything digitalized, with approvers, payers and associated policies. The reportería is super powerful and lately we have taken advantage of it a lot, because it is also


Jonathan Ibarra

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success stories

“Rindegastos gave a 180° turn to the way we had to report expenses and it is worth letting other companies know about them. Today we have everything digitized, with approvers, renderers and associated policies”.
“Rindegastos gave a 180° turn to the way we had to report expenses and it is worth letting other companies know about them. Today we have everything digitized, with approvers, renderers and associated policies”.
“Rindegastos gave a 180° turn to the way we had to report expenses and it is worth letting other companies know about them. Today we have everything digitized, with approvers, renderers and associated policies”.
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