engie 1

Successful corporate expense reports

Marcela Herrera



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In this article you will find
Executive Summary
Before Returning Expenses
A friendly implementation
Reportability and traceability

Executive Summary

Marcela Herrera, Head of Accounts Payable at Engie Services, has been with the company for eleven years, today she is in charge of internal and external supplier payments, where she makes the planning for expense reporting payments, petty cash, and also payment of bills, among other things. A no less task if one considers that in this company, provider of comprehensive solutions for energy supply and services, almost everyone makes reports. The most recurring items? Food and transportation.

Before Returning Expenses

Marcela, tells us that before Rindegastos the company had an internal system developed by a programmer from Engie Services. “It was basic, because it covered the needs that the company had 10 years ago. At that time we could not attach documents ; there was no traceability of the process, that is, the user had no way of knowing the stage of the process in which a expense reporting was found; the reportability was null and there were no automatic updates, so information had to be entered for the system to be updated In addition, making any improvement meant incurring an extra expense, because it involved external developers”, he clarifies.
To this was added as a frequent problem the loss of the backups of the renditions. “Our company has offices throughout Chile, so the risk of losing the documents was very high and since we did not have physical backup of the expense, this did not I could give up.
The system that Engie Services had was not very friendly, since if the information was not saved correctly there was no way to recover it and data such as the cost centers of the areas had to be entered manually.
“The user sent the submission by email, the head office had to approve it, when that happened it was sent to reception and they forwarded it to me for payment. If it was not approved, it was returned and the whole process was restarted process“.


Marcela Herrera

A friendly implementation

Marcela recognizes the human value, goodwill and professionalism of Rindegastos executives, qualities that stand out in an implementation process like this. “The implementation was very friendly for us. It just occurred to us to change the platform of expense reportings, at the same time that we started with SAP R / 3. But the Rindegastos professionals had the best disposition, they knew what they were coming to and had experience with SAP, so they supported us a lot with the migration to this system. they took care of everything, the only thing they asked us for was the basic information to put together the procedure. Both the process and the training were very expeditious“,
Regarding the difficulties that platform users may have experienced, the Engie Services executive comments that:
“There was no resistance from the workers, on the contrary, since you can access this platform from any browser or through its mobile application and the only thing you need. So it has been much better for everyone“


Marcela Herrera

Reportability and traceability: the most valued benefits

When consulting Marcela for the most positive points of the platform, it indicates that it has many tools to expedite the expense reporting. In fact, with Rindegastos the process takes about 5 days on average, half the time used with the previous system. But, the most valuable thing for this executive is related to the advantages that this platform has.“ The reportability and traceability are excellent. For example, you can download the complete report of a user and see in detail the surrender movements and if they are using their funds correctly. You can also detect who spends the most on food or who spends the most on fuel, among many other qualities“.
And about traceability, Marcela assures that this tool:
“It has helped us a lot to manage the requests of our internal clients, since the same user who submits can follow the stages of their submission on the same platform”


Marcela Herrera
But not only internal users have been favored by the implementation of Rindegastos, but also external agents. In this sense, Marcela comments that “in the audits it has made the process much easier for us, since it allows us to give them access to the auditors so that they consult the information directly, an activity that previously required us a lot of time“.

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success stories

Our company has offices all over Chile, so the risk of losing the documents was very high and not having physical support for the expense, it could not give up, now it is not like that.
Our company has offices all over Chile, so the risk of losing the documents was very high and not having physical support for the expense, it could not give up, now it is not like that.
Our company has offices all over Chile, so the risk of losing the documents was very high and not having physical support for the expense, it could not give up, now it is not like that.
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