Success stories

Rindegastos ® | Casos de Éxito | Ultramar

Written by Hipólito Soto | Mar 27, 2024 4:28:07 AM

A Summary of Ultramar

Ultramar has operations in 17 countries and more than 15,000 employees spread across its companies in the maritime-port, shipping, industrial logistics, and integral services in terminals and operations sectors.
Hipólito Soto, Deputy Manager of Overseas Corporate IT, tells us that, due to the amount of expense reports that were made monthly and the search for digitization in most of the work of the business group, they looked for an option to the tedious task of submitting and reviewing expenses manually, deciding to use Rindegastos to digitize the process.

The need for digitization

Overseas has been working on digitization for a long time. They were constantly looking for ways to complement their work and automate areas that can be optimized through the digitization of their processes, just as they did with their expense reports thanks to Rindegastos.
“When the evaluation was done we had several alternatives, it is a simple process, but it is not operationally easy. We thought about developing a system ourselves, but the ability to do something like that was difficult for us“.


Hipólito Soto
Regarding this specific process, Hipólito says, “when the evaluation was done, we had several alternatives, it is a simple process, but it is not operationally easy. We thought about developing a system ourselves, but the ability to do something like this was made it difficult for us.” Thus, Hipólito shows the interest and need they had as a company to find an option to the manual paperwork and traditional bureaucracy generated by expense reports, describing a path that was difficult for them to follow at first. and research, and as Hipólito tells us, in Overseas they found out “Rindegastos in a company that already had the service. We reviewed the costs, and Rindegastos was light years away from what we could develop and with a low cost.“ So they made the decision to start with our software to digitize all the statements of expenses in the company.The ease and success that Rindegastos has presented allows them today to have “400 reports, which are more than 1500 expenses reported with the software“ .

A simple entry

When deciding on Rindegastos, the process to implement the software and integrate it to all the services that were already used within Ultramar began. Hipólito is pleased that:
“The integration process was quite fast, in 3 weeks we were already performing with the app, and the help we had at the support level has been very helpful“.


Hipólito Soto
There is always a fear on the part of those who manage these processes, since when implementing new software the question arises as to whether all collaborators will adapt well to them. This being the situation, Hipólito told us that “even those who do not they are digital natives, they are able to handle the app and the software easily.” On the other hand, when talking about the training, Hipólito says that in Ultramar “everyone raves about the platform because of how easy it is to adapt. When we set up systems, change management is important, we gave all our users a 30-minute training, and nothing more was needed.
In Overseas, the process of expense reporting expenses took 30 days from start to finish, today their limit is seven days and they do not have to support receipts or generate paperwork, the app does everything automatically. The integration , as Hipólito recounts, was decisive in the maintenance and total implementation of the Rindegastos service, since they exceeded:
“The technological weakness and we generated added value generating reports and reports that we expected to generate once a month, now we have it every five minutes and I can see them anywhere.”


Hipólito Soto
It is a process that, as a whole, we took only a month, working calmly. “The documentation is quite clear and good, the API is good, we just have to review the new versions of its library, to adapt“.

Forgetting the papers

At Rindegastos we faithfully believe in the elimination and recycling of unnecessary paperwork, such as receipts, reports and more. That is why we work on the digitalization of the complete expense reporting process and aim to achieve our GoGreen purpose. Hipólito helps us note that in Overseas:
“Since mid-2019, they began to eliminate papers in the company, there were reports and we didn't want that work to continue like this. We needed all the information to be within the system, backed up and ready to enter the workflow work. It is no longer necessary to sign papers, only the fixed support, and with the official letter of the SII, we get rid of all paperwork.


Hipólito Soto


Digitalization has been a success in Ultramar, Hipólito happily tells us that:
Today we only have one person reviewing the policies and expenses. The platform is clean. The area manager approves and then the policy person reviews and approves or rejects.


Hipólito Soto
Full integration with your ERP system was successfully achieved, facilitating report generation, backup and review, as well as eliminating the paperwork that is generated in the manual expense reporting process.
Rindegastos adapts 100% to your company and makes the expense reporting process easy and fast.