“When the evaluation was done we had several alternatives, it is a simple process, but it is not operationally easy. We thought about developing a system ourselves, but the ability to do something like that was difficult for us“.
“The integration process was quite fast, in 3 weeks we were already performing with the app, and the help we had at the support level has been very helpful“.
“The technological weakness and we generated added value generating reports and reports that we expected to generate once a month, now we have it every five minutes and I can see them anywhere.”
“Since mid-2019, they began to eliminate papers in the company, there were reports and we didn't want that work to continue like this. We needed all the information to be within the system, backed up and ready to enter the workflow work. It is no longer necessary to sign papers, only the fixed support, and with the official letter of the SII, we get rid of all paperwork.
Today we only have one person reviewing the policies and expenses. The platform is clean. The area manager approves and then the policy person reviews and approves or rejects.