Success stories

Rindegastos ® | Casos de Éxito | Socovesa (Ingles)

Written by Loreto Reyes | Mar 26, 2024 9:14:58 PM

Executive Summary

Empresas Socovesa actively participates in the housing, office and apartment market. It is the largest multi-brand and multi-segment real estate group, with 50 years of experience in the national market.
Loreto Reyes, Head of Subcontracts, Parts and Payments Office, tells us that managing all the renditions and petty cash manually from all the companies in the group is practically impossible. “Imagine that each work you see in construction or real estate project for sale, it is a petty cash that has to be paid weekly and everything has to be reviewed as quickly as possible so it cannot be stopped; there are urgent things to buy and deadlines to meet“.
Thus, at Socovesa, they opted for digitization as a way to optimize their work systems, eliminating any inconvenience that the “manual“ or analog way of carrying out their tasks could generate. It was in that search, digitization and adaptable tools, which found Rindegastos.

Scanning optimization

Loreto tells us with pleasure how important the arrival of Rindegastos was at that time of digital search. She tells
“We were looking for a long time for ways to improve the process and make it easier, we came up with a series of spending policies, but in the end it was very difficult to get people to comply with them. At that moment, Rindegastos arrived and presented us with a idea that fit with what we were looking for: to digitize and optimize the expense reporting process completely”.


Loreto Reyes
This is why, when hiring Rindegastos, the full integration of the platform was ensured so that it was really convenient for the company and its workers. It only took a month to put the software to the test with 80 users and then, Seeing that it worked and people were pleased with what was being achieved, they decided to extend it to the entire group, which took approximately 3 months in total.
Today in Socovesa we are working practically 100% in the home office, as Loreto tells it, “everything that is back office is remote, the office has 20% capacity, it is practically not necessary to leave for work“ Rindegastos has been a great tool for the company during this period, since it had been trying to eradicate the diversion of tasks such as paying petty cash for some time and, thanks to digitization, Loreto tells us that:
Today we have educated our users to do the tasks themselves, thus eliminating waiting times.


Loreto Reyes
Something that was always relevant for Loreto and the Socovesa team was measuring expense reports. Knowing where time is spent, the biggest expenses and more. “Reporting tools are used, the “The one we use the most is the time for submission and review, we have indicators of time, amounts and amounts. With Rindegastos, the time for expense submissions was reduced, especially in the review of these.“ Before starting to use Rindegastos, what took the most time in the expense reporting process was petty cash “since it could not be done until it physically arrived at the office, instead now it is processed immediately.

Eliminating paperwork

The year 2020 was difficult for Socovesa when it came to paying expenses, its processes were designed to be carried out with physical paper and, as Loreto says, it was difficult because “the stationery had to be moved from one place to another , which caused a lot of time to be lost in that process.” When the official letter from the SII that allows Rindegastos to be used as a backup for receipts and expenses was approved, at Socovesa we began to migrate to digital immediately, forgetting about physical paperwork once and for all.
The decrease in stationery is notorious in companies that use the Rindegastos software. In an interview with Loreto, she told us that this digitization process “has worked super well. 90% of people listened to the proposal, since that Rindegastos meets them and supplies all their needs.” As for the rest of the users, there is always a basic resistance to the changes, but over time, and with the software already established in the company, all the collaborators began to use it without problems“.


Before, the processes for reviewing expense reports were divided by geographical areas in Socovesa, “but with the Rindegastos system we were able to unify these areas, and centralize them“, this with the aim of optimizing the expense reporting system. overall, something that has worked quite well over time.
Companies have to change and make their processes more efficient, it is definitely something that was achieved in Socovesa with the expense reports, on the one hand
“It makes audits easier, before they asked me for things and took up my time, now I only give access to the auditors so they can enter and review all the information themselves.”


Loreto Reyes
On the other hand, Loreto tells us that in Socovesa “we have a platform that standardizes the process, makes it more orderly and I have visibility of everything that happens, in less than a year we managed to reduce the team of 4 people to only 1, redirecting the work of the rest to more important needs“.