Success stories

Rindegastos ® | Casos de Éxito | OH (Ingles)

Written by Jorge Ching | Mar 26, 2024 10:48:52 PM

Executive Summary

Financiera OH!, is the entity that manages the credit cards of the entire retail chain of the Interbank Group (InRetail). The Interbank Group is dedicated to the banking and insurance, retail, hotel, restaurant, real estate , education, administration, lottery and cinemas.
Jorge Luis Ching, Deputy Manager of ERP and Channels, tells us about his experience managing accounts, petty cash and funds to be paid for more than 250 people spread over 70 branches in Peru. “ The reporting process was very slow and the information received by the Accounting area was insufficient and heterogeneous. The statements took 2 weeks to be reviewed and if errors were found in the provincial expense sheets (outside Lima), these Reports had to be returned for correction, which took a long time to process“.

Traveling between branches

The expense reportings were made on a form, which they had to print and then seek approval from their bosses; but the renderers (Agency Supervisors) were constantly moving between branches, so the expense reportings were made weeks later when they returned to their We had the same problem in the approval flow, where those in charge of approving expenses could be out of the office for several days, so the expense reportings were stopped until they return.


Jorge Ching


Companies must adapt to new technologies or else they cannot continue to be competitive.
“We knew that we had to optimize this process, only in Accounting we had a person who spent 80% of his time managing the financial statements, which increased month by month.”


Jorge Ching
“Today we are reviewing the returns in the same week in which they spent, the information arrives perfectly thanks to the validations of the platform, and we have integrated Rindegastos to our ERP, with which we have freed up the time of a employee who has been assigned tasks that generate more value for the company.
In addition, since all the information is backed up in the cloud, we have reduced the use of our data center.