Success stories

Rindegastos ® | Casos de Éxito | Imperial (Inglés))

Written by Carolina San Martín | Mar 27, 2024 7:31:15 AM

From small to large company

Imperial was founded in 1974 as a hardware store. Its main clients were teachers, contractors and builders. In 1990 they incorporated wooden planks into their sales, managing to reach a new audience, furniture makers. This is how the expansion of the company began, which currently belongs to the Falabella holding company, serving users and companies of all sizes and all over Chile. 
With the growth of the company “we had problems with documents that were lost, that took time to render, that they had supposedly been sent, that were not very legible and an endless number of things“ says Carolina San Martín, Supplier Control Manager. And he adds that “Imperial has many branches in the Metropolitan Region, as well as in the north and south. So hiring Rindegastos absolutely made our lives better”.

Accounting for expenses has never been so easy

Those who use Rindegastos know their benefits, for this reason Imperial came to the company on the recommendation of Sodimac, in order to solve their problems. Carolina comments that “we contacted Rindegastos at the end of November 2019 and on January 1, 2020 we started to work with your system.“
“Rindegastos trained us. Then we end up perfecting the inductions of our collaborators with your videos. This allowed the entire company to work efficiently with the new system by mid-2020“ -remembers Carolina with joy- “the system is intuitive. Everyone knew how to correctly choose which category the expense corresponded to”.

“Before, I received an email, downloaded it and had to transfer all the information from the voucher to an Excel. Now with Rindegastos, the system takes that information, injects it into our system and then you just have to approve it. It's really a very good tool”.


Carolina San Martín

The odyssey to find proof

With the old process for accounting for expenses, Imperial had to hire an external warehousing service to store proof of payment in the event of an audit. Carolina remembers “we had to review the surrender file, look for the receipt and see which box it was in. Then you had to ask for the box and wait for it to be brought. When he arrived, he had to look specifically for the receipt”. On the other hand, currently with the use of Rindegastos, in an internal audit “they requested the documentation of different renditions. But the system is super friendly. We immediately searched and downloaded the files.”

“When you download the image from Rindegastos, you have it as it corresponds. Because when one saves the documents they wear out, they fade. Now everything is very fast and friendly”.


Carolina San Martín

More free time

“Sometimes I stayed up late reviewing the payments, searching one by one and uploading them to Excel” -remembers Carolina with regret- “now, on the other hand, Rindegastos saves my time. It's very fast. I recommend it because it allows me to have more free time for my work or for myself”.
Less time on performance, more time on what really matters. Rindegastos expedites the reporting of expenses on a daily basis for those who render, for the reviewer, and for the administrative or financial team that manages these expenses. In addition to accelerating and improving audit processes