Success stories

Rindegastos ® | Casos de Éxito | Flesan (Ingles)

Written by José Allende | Mar 27, 2024 6:13:12 AM

Meeting Flesan

The Flesan group has been operating in Chile for 40 years, offering constructive solutions from the preparation of the soil to the delivery of a building, which can be of a commercial or residential nature.

Starting depapering

José Allende, Corporate Manager of Processes and Technology, says that one of the critical points in his daily operations was the management of expense statements, since, in the past, expenses were submitted through a form, to which the tickets or invoices as appropriate, to subsequently go through the review process by different managers or bosses as appropriate, taking between 1 week and a half to 2 weeks.
Flesan Chile has been part of Rindegastos for 4 years, facilitating the reporting process, leaving aside papers, forms and even saving the time used in make the expense reporting and wait for a response. Cindy Zurita, Control Supervisor, comments that currently the average is 4 days for the request to be resolved, in addition, “the time in the total expense reporting process, compared to the system we used before. , it became 90% more efficient”.

Information provided

The members of the Flesan Group highlight that one of the things that helped them the most was the reporting tool for the internal order of the company, since, through With the platform, data can be exported that provides information in an orderly manner on how much is paid in petty cash, what is being paid and how much expense was generated, having the option of filtering according to what is sought, delivering the information in a friendly way, even through graphics if you want.
“As an approver, the experience is very simple”, another of the managers tells us, “through the application I can see, what is paid, how much disbursement, at what time and where, providing all the necessary information to justify the expense according to what the company requests.


Rindegastos has generated a considerable optimization of time in Flesan collaborators, helping them to spend more time at work, taking advantage of the time they previously had to use in completing the Report form. Manuel Mora, comments that at the same time they now have it to better carry out their work.